Take Action During Coronavirus

There are significant needs right now among many people and communities throughout the world. For those of you who have the capacity to give your time/money, here are some Philadelphia-based organizations that the Lindy Center has researched who are engaging volunteers, raising funds, organizing, and seeking other resources. They are divided into specific social issue areas, with some additional sites at the end where you can find more information. Organizations with asterisks (*) are close partners of the Lindy Center. We are happy to take suggestions and consider expanding this beyond the Philadelphia area, as we have capacity. Please email Cara, ces337@drexel.edu, with additions, comments, and questions. 

Please note that all appropriate social distancing measures should be observed during any engagement activities. Per the CDC and WHO, stay home and do not have contact with others if you:

  • display any symptoms including but not limited to: shortness of breath, fever, chills, weakness, and others
  • have traveled outside of the country in the past month
  • have been in contact with someone who is sick or had any symptoms
  • have not practiced social distancing

We also have a new nonprofit/volunteer database that you can use to browse organizations, community engagement opportunities, and events. Click here to use it. 


Food Access

Homelessness and Housing

Community and Economic Development

  • Our Closet* - while pop-up shops have been closed, the Emergency Clothing program is still assisting people in crisis and needs donations, especially: Men’s casual clothing items (jeans, shorts, sweats, hoodies, short sleeve polos - no dress clothes) in all sizes, Women’s casual clothing items in L/XL/Plus sizes, Children’s clothes in all sizes and genders, Casual shoes in all sizes (adult and kids) - (sneakers, flats, sandals, etc. - no heels). Clothes can be safely dropped off with no contact at the warehouse at 400 S. State Rd. Springfield, PA 19064, in the Marple Crossroads shopping center, Mondays, 12pm-2:30pm and Thursdays, 10:00am-12:00pm. Schedule a donation by contacting program coordinator, Ricki, at (267) 256-2179 or ricki@ourclosetpa.org
  • United Communities Southeast Philadelphia
  • The Common Place*
  • Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation*
  • Salvation Army Greater Philadelphia*
  • Invisible Hands PHL - volunteers needed for contactless delivery of items to Philadelphians in high-risk categories. 

Health and Medical

Animal Rescue and Animal Rights

Arts and Culture

Education and Youth

Mass Incarceration

Immigration and Culturally-Specific

Local Government and Civic Institutions 

Additional Resources